National park project – writing the book

Sorry for not being here for a looong time. There is only one reason for that: During the last one year there has been pretty much nothing else in my life than making my book of the Finnish national parks. I been working hard with it for 7 years now but since the beginning of May 2016 it has been only either visiting the national parks (doing interviews + photographing) OR (since the beginning of Nov. 2016) just writing the text and working with images which will be in the book.

THE BOOK (Kansallispuistot –maamme luonnon helmet = National parks – jewels of our nature) will be published in AUGUST (3rd wk). Thanks for the Ministry of the Enrivonment which will pay the translation work so we get the book also in English.

Here is more info about the book.

It took me for 5 months to get ready the text for the book which has all the 40 Finnish national parks. Every single day I had to work with my computer since the morning until I went to bed. I had one break for excercise a day. Most of the meals I ate next to my computer. It was really hectic with the schedule. I had to postpone all the other things in life. I worked also during the X-mas, New Years, Easter, etc.

During April I worked with the same schedule with images for the book as well as prepared my photo exhibition tour. At midnight on 1st of May I was able to give the last images for the publisher. The next day I had the set up of my exhibition here in Rovaniemi (+ tons of urgent things to do).

Needless to say, my body is physically really tired – but my mind is doing great as always. Hopefully in a week or so I finally get to go out to nature and start touring our national parks!  Yes, this is my idea of getting rest. This time I don’t have to be in a hurry, just relax and take photos by myself. And, take my time to recover.  POST: 30 Oct. 2017 — I WAS TOO OPTIMISTIC WHEN I WROTE THIS TEXT (above) IN MAY…  The work with the book continued every day and every evening until beginnin of July. This photo has been taken beginning of June when I left Rovaniemi, home, and continued working in my camping car.  Then, in July I had to work every single day for several hours with building different photo presentations. The hardest was the multimedia. Then when I just finised on time (3 hrs before my 1st new national park presentation on Aug. 26th, my book was released.  And ever since I have worked like crazy to catch up with all the e-mails and book shipping and presentations.  Wau – in November I get to go home.