Téa Karvinen

Téa Karvinen

Professional photographer specializing in nature

Tea Karvinen

teakarvinen@gmail.com | +358 50 463 7679
About the book & Order the book
KIRJANI: Kansallispuistot – maamme luonnon helmet. Tästä pääset tutustumaan uuteen valokuva- ja tietokirjaani Suomen kansallispuistoista ja tilaamaan sen. Yli seitsemän vuoden työni julkaistiin elokuun lopulla 2017.  Viime joulukuussa eli vuosi ja 3-4 kk kirjan ilmestymisestä, suomenkielistä kirjaani on myyty yli 11 000 kpl ja englanninkielistä noin 1000 kpl. --- in ENGLISH: Here you can check out my book about Finnish national parks which came out end of Aug. 2017.  You can also order it here. Last December – after a...
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Photo of the week
Since 2008 I have taken and posted a photo of the week picture on my website each week. Sometimes it is difficult to choose the “best” one so I often choose the photo by feeling.
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National parks of Finland
National parks of my country have played a huge part in my life during the last nine years. I have toured all 40 of them several times and during different seasons since 2010. From the very beginning I had a dream: I want to make a book of our nature treasures. I fell in love with our national parks. On this website you can see my photographs of all the parks taken during different seasons. Which one is your favorite?
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Kirjoja, joita ajattelen öisin
Esittelen kirjoja, jotka ovat tehneet minuun vaikutuksen – kirjoja, jotka ovat minulle hyvin merkityksellisiä. Kerron kirjoista, joista uskon olevan paljon hyötyä ja iloa ihmisen hyvinvoinnille...
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5 months & 10 600 km & 176 hours of driving
5 months & 10 600 km & 176 hours of driving Kesä- ja syyskotini pyörien päällä    //    My life during the summer & fall seasons...
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Tean luontoillat
(My photo presentations of Finnish national parks) TULE mukaan suosittuihin ja kaikille avoimiin KANSALLISPUISTOILTOIHINI,  joissa kerron valokuvin ja sanoin kaikista Suomen 41 kansallispuistosta. Vapaa pääsy....
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Finland 1917-2017 (Dec. 6)
Finland 1917-2017 (Dec. 6) –– LUMINOUS Finland at Kilpisjärvi, Lapland –– For the honor of Finland's 100 years of indpendence one of the most known...
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Kirjan tekemisestä / osa 1
Kirjan (Kansallispuistot – maamme luonnon helmet) tekemisestä / osa 1 ENNEN KIRJAN ILMESTYMISTÄ: ALKU Kirjani Suomen kansallispuistoista on ensimmäinen kirjani. Kaikki sai alkunsa 2000-luvun jälkimmäisellä puoliskolla,...
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100 Finnish photographers
In 2017 Finland turns 100 years of age. 100 FINNISH PHOTOGRAPHERS / 100 suomalaista valokuvaajaa – (Tea Karvinen Day 91/100). See the pictures from ALL...
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Kirjan tekemisestä / osa 2 (+ lukijapalaute)
Kirjan (Kansallispuistot – maamme luonnon helmet) tekemisestä / osa 2 (+ lukijapalaute kirjasta sivun lopussa) KIRJAN ILMESTYMISEN JÄLKEEN: * Blogi-valokuva etusivulla (& Home-sivu): Helsingin Musiikkitalolla oli 30.9-17...
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7 years and it is DONE
July 8th, 2017   --  HUOM. Täällä suomenkieliset blogikirjoitukset: kirjan tekemisestä osa 1: ennen julkaisua  ja kirjan tekemisestä osa 2: julkaisemisen jälkeen (+ lukijapalaute) (coverphoto by...
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About Téa

Passion for life

I was born in Helsinki, Finland in 1960s. I am a professional freelance nature photographer and journalist concentrating in Finnish Lapland and our 41 national parks as well as the arctic areas of the world.

I moved to the north from Helsinki in 2011.  I live in Rovaniemi at the moment (around the arctic circle).
E-mail: teakarvinen (at) gmail.com
Tel. +358 50 463 7679

After having about 6 years of experience being a full time freelance news photographer and photojournalist in Finland, I turned my life more toward nature photography in 2009. Also, 9 years of my competitive sport career in skeleton sliding, touring around the world, came to an end in 2009.

My aim is to find own personal way to photograph by combining nature photography and fine art.

Nature is not a new element for me as I used to work as a full time wilderness guide in Finland developing eco tourism for several years before my 9 years of adventures in America. I have a photojournalism degree from University of Alaska Fairbanks after five and a half years of studying in Alaska, Hawaii and Ecuador. I also spent three years in Salt Lake City, Utah.

I have a huge passion for nature photography as well as for life in general.

After touring around the world for over 20 years, I am now settled in Finland and Lapland.

I want to tell people with my pictures and stories how beautiful places there are in order for them to realize what an incredible planet we have. 
I want to encourage others to go out there and explore the beauty around us –  including their own backyard.  My BOOK (released Aug. 2017) about the national parks of Finland has received great success. My really hard work of seven years has not gone for vain.

I am still touring Finnish nature locations with my Canon camera as well as a Mavic 2Pro drone for aerials. I also have lectures around the country showing my photography about our national parks.

I want to awake inside people longing for nature. Humans and nature are the same, we are together. Nature does not need people but people need nature to survive.

Knowledge increases the awareness, which increases the will of preservation.

Me enjoying the sun set and peace in Isojärvi National Park (in central Finland) in July 2019. I am taking this photo with a drone.
