Reindeer herding

Reindeer herding

* Late autumn is the rutting season and reindeer form mating parties. Battles between males and the clash of antlers arouse the females’ sexual receptivity and result in the spring calving. The male sheds his antlers after the rutting season. Reindeer are driven in small batches into the ‘chum’ where the animals for slaughter are separated from the livestock by hand or with a lasso (suopunki) into different ‘offices’ or pens.

* During the nightless nights in summer the reindeer herders mark the new born calves, which ears are getting the owner’s own mark.  The “räkkä” (= a plague of blood-sucking flying insects that torment the reindeer – and us!) help the herders to get the animals to large herds of reindeers. The job is done in the evenings and during the nights when it is not so hot.

More info from the reindeer herder’s association

More of my reindeer photos.